Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mother Nature didn't like me

I didn't make it out for this month's full moon to take pictures. Actually, I did make it out, but the moon was behind clouds for most of Sunday night. It's OK though because I scouted the harbor area for future reference.

I'm also starting to think that maybe I should consider some sunrise shots. I'm getting tired just thinking about that.

This month's task is to scout, scout, scout. I want to spend more time worrying about exposures and less time worrying about framing my shot. I also want to get down to the Boardwalk this month and get some shots of the rides in motion. I don't need a full moon for that.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Phony Black & White

I converted this to black and white using a red filter to correct the contrast. Just thought I'd give it a little try. This would probably look good as a duotone. Posted by Picasa