Surfing 105
Originally uploaded by Anthony L. Solis.
I'm not so sure this guy would want a copy of this photo, but it shows a true side of surfing.
Follow me on my journey to discover why I bought such an expensive camera.
I'm not so sure this guy would want a copy of this photo, but it shows a true side of surfing.
A friend is trying to sell me a 600mm Canon lens, so he let me borrow it and take it out for a spin. It's nearly too much lens for me, but I sure enjoyed using it.
This is at Steamer Lane in Santa Cruz, CA. This guy came up to me and talked a bit after his session, so if you are he, give me an e-mail at
As far as the lens goes, it's a monster. It's very sharp and gets you right up in people's faces at 100 yards away.
I'm still salivating.
The final run of the newspaper press at the Santa Cruz Sentinel after more than 150 years of the paper being printing in Santa Cruz. The paper will now be printed in San Jose.
This was taken in April, but I just recently decided to do a few tweaks and repost it.
OK, this is unusual for me. I've never really taken a "concept" portrait before. I was home alone, playing with my softbox and trying to figure out its properties when I decided I wanted to try a photo that was something other than me just looking into the camera. I started looking around the house for props and found a roll of police tape that belongs to my roommate (don't ask).
I wrapped the tape around my mouth and snapped two frames. That's when the political statement hit me.
I've been in the newspaper business for about 13 years now and lately, this is what I feel is happening to us. We are being silenced. Veteran reporters are being laid off to save a buck, readers cry "BIAS" when a story doesn't say what they want it to say and more and more emphasis is being placed on the online product even though newspaper haven't figured out how to make money online yet. I think a lot of newspaper people feel like this; be careful what you say or write or you could be the next to go.
OK, so there's my little rant for the day. Do any of you have other thoughts on this photo (all 3 of you that read this)?
Not really sure why I took this picture. I think I may need help.
With my future sister-in-law 9-months pregnant, my fiance was all-too-ready and eager to ride her sister's horse for her. Bailey was a bit of a pain in the arse at times, but Julie managed.