Wednesday, February 21, 2007

School's Cool

I've been taking my photography class for 3 weeks now and so far I'm having a blast. We haven't done many rolls of film (actually, only one), but I'm getting more experience in the darkroom, which will ultimately help make better prints, whether it be digital or in the darkroom by hand.

Today we made contact prints of our first roll of film, which was just a light meter test. I did my test strip to determine exposure time and then my full print and I nailed it. I'm not sure if any of the photos are very good, but they are exposed properly.

This is fun and all, but I'm ready for some more picture taking. I need some more photos to post in this blog.

Monday, February 05, 2007

First photography class

So, I officially had my first photo class and I didn't take a single photo. Actually, all we did was go over the outline and talk a little about the materials we need for the class. Turns out the camera I procured doesn't always fire. So ... uh ... mommy, I may need to borrow your camera again. I promise I'll bring you a box of magazines.

Back to the class. The thing I'm most looking forward to is learning about presentation. Seems I'll have to show my work to the class and it will have to look somewhat good, so that means matting and framing. My first photo assignment will be this weekend, though I don't know what it is yet. Wish me luck.